Sexual boredom in marriage

The sexual boredom in marriage, and a familiar phenomenon known since ancient times .. has created peoples and communities are many ways to improve appetite and sexual pleasure commensurate with their conditions and for ensuring the stability of married life and its continuation. It is known that the methods and appetizers nationality can have a positive effect in many cases .. like dresses, perfume, air and special situations .. And also new furniture for the bedroom and the use of flowers, lighting and mirrors, in addition to massage techniques, massage, dance, and the use of herbs and foods, medicines, etc. .., which is common, diverse and well known. It can be caused by changes of sexual boredom in the body and the physical variety of diseases, some opposed and temporary, some chronic and play .. and methods of health and beauty in its various forms and means, such as diet, sports and the use of medications and surgical useful role in a number of cases. Psychologically it must be emphasized that sexual boredom reflects in many of the causes of internal psychological factors .. Where the result of frustration repeated and upset and tension, fears and anxiety to the formation of responses of mood and behavioral adverse characterized the complaint and the boredom and dissatisfaction with the other party .. and the disorder of sexual function itself its multiple manifestations of physical and physiological, such as lack of sexual desire or weakness in addition to difficulties of an erection and sexual arousal may reflect a disturbance in the relationship marital humanity, and disruption in the understanding and dialogue and solving problems of everyday life. Reflect this fact need to look behind the symptoms and complaints .. that is, to the same relationship between men and women and the difficulties and problems .. and thus draw attention to solve, modify, or walk the right path that leads to ease the conflict and tension and modify the methods of understanding and self-realization positive within the marital relationship .. and can be for dialogue and expression of emotions and anger and frustration to play a positive role in venting their negative emotions accumulated and locked and then modified and understanding and replacement. As a practical matter can escape some couples to ease the boredom of marital (or marital problems and sexual) to the methods of abnormal multi-Kaladmanat diverse or establish relations erroneous or interest to work in an exaggerated manner .. and some of them looking for a second wife or more .. and some patient and bear the situation. . The wives and Ydarin Some women put up with things .. and some of them resort to compensate for the frustrations and negative feelings and needs to buy things or attention to children, work, or deviation in various forms and degrees. It must be emphasized that there exits a positive for men and women .. and the first amendment issues and walk in the way of become rich relationship and the richness of the aspects of spiritual, emotional and physical .. may be difficult to do so or falters and must try again, and when impossible the common life and exacerbated the problems must be the search for solutions less harmful in proportion to the circumstances of each family, Kaltadd or separation or divorce or otherwise. Finally .. Boredom sexual probably was the subject of exaggerated in terms of physical and physiological .. the husband and wife can live a long life a long and normal to be sexually long for one another .. and covetousness sexual sense of the organic chemical is governed by a variety of matters and plays fantasy personal role in it, and different individuals in their formative and sensitivity to physical reactions in their imagination as well, and the development of imagination and diversification and the attendant feelings can be helpful and positive as long as within normal limits away from the troubled sexual behavior or abnormal. The sexual life can be renewed and flourish there is nothing wrong periods of boredom temporary and transitory, and when long must discuss the problem with left over .. and in detail.
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