For a healthy pregnancy!

Proper food during pregnancy: When you are pregnant you really eat "two", but that does not mean eating twice the amount that you eat before you as some think. Taatzkrene the most important thing is that anything you eat goes directly to your child, Vtakdy of not eating harmful things you or him and make sure to eat what is healthy for you. The increase in the weight reasonable and not excessive necessary for the health of your child, In general more than the weight of a pregnant 10 to 15 kg during pregnancy. With the development of pregnancy Eat more small meals a day instead of eating two meals or three big meals, this way you will not Tthagly on your stomach, which has shrunk due to the growth of the uterus, and you'll be less prone to indigestion. The general rule that the foods are the highest nutritional value without cooking, Frckzy to eat fresh food whenever possible, do not think to follow the diet. If dealt with proper food will not be Zaadtk in weight permanently, but may find that your eating habits, which Akedzptiha new health during pregnancy help you that you may be leaner after birth than you were before pregnancy. Ask your doctor for guidance for you ... But here are some general tips and caveats about proper nutrition during pregnancy: Tips: Protein: During pregnancy have twice the protein needs of your needs before her pregnancy. Proteins are found in red meat, fish, chicken, hard cheese, such as "quality" and "Flemish", hard-boiled eggs, legumes (such as lentils, beans, and chickpeas) and nuts. Calcium: You need more calcium in pregnancy by 50%, especially in the first two months when you start the teeth and bones of the child in the configuration. Foods rich in calcium include milk and dairy products such as yogurt and cheese. You will need 4 or 5 servings per day (equivalent to share a cup of milk or a cup of yogurt or 30 g cheese). Choose fat-free products or low-fat. There are also calcium in sardines, watercress, spinach, nuts, and okra. Fiber: helps to resist with constipation during pregnancy. There are fibers in the baladi bread, brown bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, pulses, beans, white beans, and nuts. Folic acid: Research says that you get enough folic acid before conception and during the first few months of pregnancy can reduce the likelihood of the birth of your child certain types of defects in the backbone. Folic acid is found in spinach, fresh orange juice, beans, lentils, and peanuts. Many doctors prescribe supplementary folic acid, ask your doctor about it. Iron: You need a larger amount of iron to suit the growing amount of blood in your body. Red meat is one of the best sources. Can also get your iron from chicken, oysters, tuna, raisins, apricots, Alqrasih, artichokes, watercress, and spinach. Carbohydrates: Help to alleviate morning sickness. The best sources of bread, baked dry, pasta, rice, and potatoes. Liquids: Eat about 8 cups of water per day, or have some Tbdelan Bokwab juices of fruits or vegetables, unsweetened natural sugar, or drinks natural herbs that are recommended by your doctor. Drink is also a day at least half a liter milk or pasteurized Astkhaddmah with the grain, in soups, sauces, or in the work. Caveats: Liver and their use of different kinds. Because they contain high levels of vitamin "A" may harm your baby. Eggs Alni Soft cheese and Roquefort cheese. Goat's milk and products manufactured from it. Unpasteurized milk and milk products. All of these sources may contain harmful bacteria. Cakes, biscuits, chocolate. Salted foods. These sources contain fat, sugar, salt and too much Sugary soft drinks. Tea, coffee, chocolate drink. These sources contain sugar and / or caffeine.
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